Stacey Najman - Friend & Fellow Foodie
I have always prided myself on building my business on referrals and the hard work that I do for my clients. My strategy was never to buy an ad on a park bench or an outdoor poster but instead to deliver results. It is for this reason that this testimonial is so special to me. I have known Stacey for 15 years and although the timing has not worked out for us to buy property together she has referred many clients my way based on her knowledge of my work. Thank you Stacey!
When I heard that a family…..
.. friend was looking to buy her first condo and wasn't having luck with her real estate agent, there wasn't a doubt in my mind that Rachel Levy would be the best solution! I've known Rachel for years and have watched her grow to be an incredible real estate agent. The passion that I see from her to always do what is best for her clients is so admirable. I am very picky with who I recommend others to because it's my name on the line, but with Rachel I didn't hesitate for a single second. Fast forward to now: our friend has found a place that she is in love with, and constantly thanks me for bringing Rachel into her life. Whether you need a real estate agent or have the opportunity to recommend one to family or friend, Rachel is the obvious choice!